“Course of Architecture and Urban Studies, Department of Environmental and Social Engineering”, Hokkaido University was originally established in 1948, as the name of “Department of Architecture” to scientifically investigate life and culture adapted to the northern region and to train skilled architectural engineers”. In 2005, it was renamed Course of Architecture and Urban Studies in the Department of Environmental and Social Engineering.
The educational goal of this course is to provide a comprehensive architectural education to foster high-trained professionals for practical and theoretical activities. In addition, this course respects the educational philosophy of the founding spirit of Hokkaido University, namely “frontier spirit,” “cultivation of internationality,” “education for all,” and “emphasis on regionalism and practical learning.” in implementing our geographical, physical, and social environment.
This course was accredited by the Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (JABEE) in 2003, and the accreditation was renewed in 2008. Graduates of the JABEE accredited program are recognized both domestically and internationally as engineers with basic education in architecture and related fields. The program also serves as a passport for graduates of the department to work internationally as engineers in architecture and urban studies.
More than 80% of graduates of this course go on to graduate school. The majority of our graduates enter the Department of Architectural and Urban Studies and the Department of Spatial Performance Systems, but some also enter architecture-related graduate schools at other universities. Graduates of the undergraduate and graduate programs are active in various fields related to architecture and urban engineering. We will continue to strive to foster leadership in society.